Friday, September 23, 2016

How to Change Colors in the Start Menu Taskbar and Title bar Action Center in Windows 10

How to Change Colors in the Start Menu Taskbar and Title bar Action Center in Windows 10

Since the presence Anniversary Update (Build 14 316), Microsoft provides many small tweak tweak the personalization. Such as the option to change the look into dark mode in Modern Apps.

In addition, Microsoft also gives users the option to customize the color accent to a few places, Start Menu, Taskbar, Action Center and the titlebar. Here are the steps.

Changing the Start Menu, Taskbar, Action Center and the titlebar

First go to Settings (Winkey + I). Then navigate to his Personalization - Colors. Scroll down until you find the option Show color on Start, Taskbar, and action center. If it had been a slide from Off to On on the option. That way you will provide color in the Start, Taskbar, and Action center.

Then for the Title bar, slide from Off to On option Show color on the Title bar that is located just below the previous option. That way you will change the color of each window titlebar (only on Win32Apps).

Anda the result is bellow

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