Friday, August 5, 2016

Complete List of Windows 10 Shortcut Should You to Know

Complete List of Windows 10 Shortcut Should You to Know

Since the beginning launched of Windows 10, a lot of things that we can explore. As new features, user interface more friendly, and much more. One of the highlights is Shortcut which is one important element to support the activities for use Windows 10.

There are many new shortcuts in Windows 10. Because along emergence of new features such as Task View, Window Snapping, Microsoft Edge and others here weill howdywindows will give list to you. Whether it be a new shortcut or are already present in Windows before.

Global Windows Shortcut

Before trying a new shortcut in Windows 10. There are good you also know some shortcuts that can be used by all versions of Windows, including Windows 20 10. Following the shortcut list.

Universal Windows 10 Shortcut

Below howdywindows will provide a list of shortcut Windows 10 in general. Heres the list.

Windows Key: Open the Start Menu.
Windows Key + Q: Do search and Cortana with Voice Command.
Windows Key + S: Perform search and Cortana with Keyboard Input.
Windows Key + I: Opens Settings.
Windows Key + A: Open Action Center.
Windows Key + L: Lock Windows and switch to the Screen Lock screen.
Windows Key + H: Doing Sharing content, with application notes related supports content sharing features.
Windows Key + K: linking Windows 10 to the wireless display and audio devices.
Windows Key + X: Opens the Power User.
Windows Key + G: Opens the Game Bar to take pictures or make a video recoding in Game Windows 10.
Windows Key + D: Displays Desktop (and minimize all the windows there).
Windows Key + E: Open the File Explorer.
Windows Key + Space: Changing the keyboard language (if you have more than one language).
Windows Key + R: Opens Windows RUN.
Windows Key + P: Access Project menu Screen.
ALT + F4: Closes the current window or open the Power menu if it is on the desktop.
And here below howdywindows will provide a list of shortcut based on the features available in Windows 10.

Task View

Task View are present in Windows 10, presents display window switching feature that is similar to Mission Control on Mac OS. Heres a shortcut that you can use the Task View.

Windows Key + Tab: Opens Task View and displays all open windows.
ALT + TAB: It is not something new in Windows 10. Its function is to switch between the active Window.

virtual Desktop

Features that are still associated with Task View, providing the ability to categorize window that one type into one group Desktop, as well as providing full control to the user to set each group window on Virtual Desktop.

a complete list of shortcut windows 10 (2)

Heres a shortcut that you can use on the Desktop.

Windows Key + CTRL + Arrow left / right: Move desktop before or afterwards.
Windows Key + CTRL + D: Creating a new desktop.
Windows Key + CTRL + F4: Closes the desktop.
Windows Key + TAB: Opens Task View.

Windows Snapping

Features are present since Windows 7 is, allows the user to set the size of the window that opens. So that the user can set the corner with 4 different windows.

a complete list of shortcut windows 10 (3)

Heres a shortcut that you can use on Windows Snapping.

Windows Key + Left Arrow: Snap window to the left side of the screen.
Windows Key + Right Arrow: Snap window to the right side of the screen.
Windows Key + Up Arrow: Snap window to the side of the screen.
Windows Key + Down Arrow: Snap window to the bottom side of the screen.
In addition, you can make the window size to 1/4 screen. For example, using the shortcut Winkey + Left arrow and then Winkey + Arrow up, it will create a window size of 1/4 on the top left side.

Microsoft Edge

The latest browser available only in Windows 10, it is also not spared from Microsoft in terms of making users more productive by using a shortcut.

a complete list of shortcut windows 10 (5)

The following 28 shortcut that you can use in Microsoft Edge.

Command Prompt / PowerShell

In Windows 10, Microsoft remodel Command Prompt and PowerShell by presenting features that support you can operate it. As support for copy and paste to the clipboard, the line wrapping to facilitate the reading order, simplify the window size, and even the ability to make the window look transparent.

a complete list of shortcut windows 10 (4)

Heres a complete list of shortcuts that you can use in Command Prompt (and could also be in PowerShell).

Windows Narrator

Windows Narrator is a Screen Reader features are present since Windows 2000. Narrator works by reading the dialog box or window in any active window, then translating from visual to audio. The features are very helpful especially for people with visual impairment.

Heres a complete list of shortcuts that you can use in Windows Narrator.

Ctrl: Lay off the screen reading voice.
Caps Lock + M: Running a screen reading voice
Caps Lock + Page Up: Increase volume.
Caps Lock + Page Down: Decrease volume.
Caps Lock + Plus: Increase the speed of sound in reading.
Caps Lock + Minus: Lowering the speed of sound in reading.
Caps Lock + C: Reading the current date and time.
Caps Lock + D: Reading the selected item.
Caps Lock + S: Read the item with penejaan said.
Caps Lock + V: Repeating phrases.
Caps Lock + W: Reading the active window.
Caps Lock + H: Reading the contents of the document.
Caps Lock + Ctrl + U: Reading the active page.
Caps Lock + U: Reading the next page.
Caps Lock + Shift + U: Reading the previous page.
Caps Lock + Ctrl + I: Reading the paragraph currently selected.
Caps Lock + I: Reading the following paragraphs.
Caps Lock + Shift + I: Reading the previous paragraph.
Caps Lock + Ctrl + O: Reading another line that is currently selected.
Caps Lock + O: Reads one line next word.
Caps Lock + Shift + O: Reads one line of the previous word.
Caps Lock + Ctrl + P: Reading the word that is currently selected.
Caps Lock + P: Reading the next word.
Caps Lock + Shift + P: Reading the previous word.
Caps Lock + R: Read all the items that are in the area currently selected.
Caps Lock + Q: Move to the last item that is currently selected.
Caps Lock + Y: Move to the beginning of the text.
Caps Lock + B: Move to the end of the text.
Caps Lock + J: Move to the next heading.
Caps Lock + Shift + J: Move to the previous heading.
Caps Lock + K: Move to the next table.
Caps Lock + Shift + K: Move to the previous table.
Caps Lock + L: Move to the link / link next.
Caps Lock + Shift + L: Move to the link / link earlier.
Caps Lock + F3: Move to the next cell in a row.
Caps Lock + Shift + F3: Move to the previous cell in a row.
Caps Lock + F4: Move to the next cell in a column.
Caps Lock + Shift + F4: Move to the previous cell in a column.
Caps Lock + Space: Doing the main action.
Caps Lock + Right Arrow: Move to the next item.
Caps Lock + Left Arrow: Move to the previous item.
Caps Lock + Up / Down Arrow: Changing the display narrator.
Caps Lock + F1: Displays a list of commands narrator.
Caps Lock + F2: Displays a list of commands available on the currently selected item.
Caps Lock + F12: Switch to Character reading.
Caps Lock + Enter: Switch search mode.
Caps Lock + Num Lock: Move the mouse mode.
Caps Lock + A: Changing the verbosity mode.
Caps Lock + Esc: Exit Narrator.
Caps Lock + Z: Lock Key Narrator.
Caps Lock + G: Move the mouse over the narrator to mouse over the system.
Caps Lock + T: Move the mouse over the narrator to a pointer.
Caps Lock + Backspace: Retreat to one of the previous item.
Caps Lock + Insert: Move to the last item.
Caps Lock + F7: Reading the column that is currently selected.
Caps Lock + F8: Read the line that is currently selected.
Caps Lock + F9: Reading the column header that is currently selected.
Caps Lock + F10: Read the new header that is currently selected.
Caps Lock + F5: Read between the lines and columns Narrator.
Caps Lock + F6: Move to the table cell.
Caps Lock + Shift + F6: Move to the cell content.
Caps Lock + Ctrl + Left Arrow: Directs the narrator pointer upwards.
Caps Lock + Ctrl + Down Arrow: Directs a similar item to the next.
Caps Lock + Ctrl + Up Arrow: Directs to previous similar items.

file Explorer

Although some already present in previous versions of Windows, but in line with the release of Windows 10, File Explorer does not escape from the addition of a new shortcut list.

a complete list of shortcut windows 10 (6)

Heres a list of shortcuts File Explorer in Windows 10.

Win + E: Open the File Explorer.
Esc: Cancels file operations.
F2: Rename
F2 then Tab: Threaded rename - files quickly.
F3, Ctrl + E or Ctrl + F: navigate to the Search Box.
F4: Open the address bar drop-down menu.
F5: Refresh.
F6: Navigating between the panes path.
F10: Displays the Menu Bar.
F11: Make window Fullscreen.
Home: Towards the beginning of the file.
End: Towards the end of the file.
Up / down arrow: Move up / down.
Shift + F10 or Menu key: Opens Right click context menu.
Del: Delete the file / folder.
Shift + Delete: Delete without moving it to the Recycle Bin.
Enter: Open the file / folder.
Alt + Enter: Open the Properties window.
Ctrl + X: Cut.
Ctrl + C: Copy.
Ctrl + V: Paste.
Ctrl + W or Alt + F4: Closes the window.
Ctrl + Z: Undo.
Ctrl + Y: Redo.
Ctrl + A: Select all.
Ctrl + N: Open a new window File explorer.
Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder.
Alt + P: Opens the Preview panel.
Alt + Shift + P: Displays details more terprinci File.
Ctrl + +: Change the size of a column
Ctrl + Shift + 1: Size Extra Large icons.
Ctrl + Shift + 2: Size Large icon.
Ctrl + Shift + 3: Size Medium icon.
Ctrl + Shift + 4: Size Small icon.
Ctrl + Shift + 5: Change the file into a List.
Ctrl + Shift + 6: Change the file into Details.
Ctrl + Shift + 7: Change the file into Tiles.
Ctrl + Shift + 8: Change the look of files into Content.
Alt + Up: Move one level up the folder path.
Alt + Left or Backspace: Back to the place / previous folder.
Alt + Right: Forward to the folder that you visit thereafter.
Alt + D: Jump into the address bar.
Ctrl + Shift + E: Make a list of existing folders in a main folder.
Ctrl + F1: Show or hide a ribbon panel.
Now that he gaes complete list of shortcuts that you can praktikan in Windows 10. As a suggestion, it helps you bookmark this page for future if howdywindows find a new shortcut, then the article will be updated back !.

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