Android clear all edittext fields here i am going to explain how to clear all the edittext fields in a single button click step 1)open res->layout->activity_main.xml;. Clear all text in edittext fields button. ask question. up vote 0 down vote favorite. i am trying to run a programme in android to clear all text in the edittext fields when the user presses the clear all button. below is the code i have so far and at the moment it is not working as planned. i am new to java and adroid app development.. Android. how to clear an edittext by cross button in the right side . sarra sakka. ranch hand posts: 283 add an on click listener to the button which sets the text in the edit text field to nothing. steve . ibrahim yener. ranch hand i want how can i clear this edit text when i click on this cross? i realized that just after posting my.
I would like to reset my edittext back to an empty "space" or a "hint" after a button has pressed that would have completed an activity with input from the edittext field. my adventure with android thus beckons. cheers. thank you !!. The android:inputtype attribute allows you to specify various behaviors for the input method. most importantly, if your text field is intended for basic text input (such as for a text message), you should enable auto spelling correction with the "textautocorrect" value. you can combine different behaviors and input method styles with the android:inputtype attribute.. Overview. the edittext is the standard text entry widget in android apps. if the user needs to enter text into an app, this is the primary way for them to do that. there are many important properties that can be set to customize the behavior of an edittext.several of these are listed below..